Lisa Ladew

Author of Paranormal Romance and Romantic Suspense

Let’s Talk One True Mate

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Hey. S’up. Timber here. clears throat.

So, Lisa told me to write a blurb for this book guide thing, a Timblurb, if you will, so here it is: this book is basically about me.

That’s it. That’s all you need to know. But since I am “contractually obligated” to say more stuff, here’s more stuff:

Let’s Talk One True Mate’s got all the blah blah from Lisa, talking about muses, and motivation, and maps, and herbal tea, and a bunch of other yadda, but the best part (the WHOLE point to all these words) is ME telling you all about everything that’s happened since the beginning of time with this series.

I’m telling it all; we’ve got car chases, mutant spiders, gods and goddesses, explosions, espionage, kidnapping, slapstick comedy, haunted houses, steampunk haikus, carnival face-painting, and delicious snacks.

(Ok, fine, some of that isn’t true, but you’ll have to check it out to find out what’s what.)

Bottom line, this book’s about me, because I’m awesome! You need this book. It’ll change your life.

You’re welcome.

drops mic

–> Get the book here <–

** Leave me a comment on the book–anything goes!

8 responses to “Let’s Talk One True Mate”

  1. Mary McTaggart Avatar
    Mary McTaggart

    I found it confusing at first to read because of the different size fonts. Once my mind just read the words it started to flow great. How in the world did you ever connect all the characters together but still keep them sorted out? I’ve been thinking of reading the series again and after reading LTOTM I think I will. I didn’t find anything in my first read thru but will read again to make sure. Can’t wait for OTM 11.

    1. Lisa Ladew Avatar
      Lisa Ladew

      thank you, Mary 🙂

  2. Becca Dincher Avatar
    Becca Dincher

    Are you going to ever finish the One True Mate Stories? I’ve read all you have so far through Trent and Troy, and I thought maybe you would wrap the story arc up there. But since it still isn’t complete, I am hoping to find the next one.

    1. Lisa Ladew Avatar
      Lisa Ladew

      I’m trying so hard to finish 11. It’s giving me fits. Have you seen my companion book, Let’s Talk One True Mate, available at Amazon? I talk about what’s going on in it, plus there’s exclusive fiction in it. My plan is to finish 11 this year.

  3. Jordan Peace Avatar
    Jordan Peace

    Im so hooked i cant wait to get book 11! The way you write inspired me to try to write my own book.

    1. Lisa Ladew Avatar
      Lisa Ladew

      🙂 how wonderful

  4. SVS Avatar

    Will we get to see more babies being born? Mac & Rogue, Bruin & Willow? Listening to the series for the third time and I still get more information each time!

    1. Lisa Ladew Avatar
      Lisa Ladew

      Yes, I think so 🙂 will be fun. 🙂 thank you.

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